I Once Was Ratchet, But Now I’m Found

You ever randomly hear about someone you used to hang with to find out that they’re still doing the same ole same ole? Not too long ago, I was told of the adventures of a guy I used to date and was not surprised at all to learn that he’s still up to the same […]

Why I Never Wanted to Date a White Guy

When you’re single, everyone has ideas about how to get chose. Maybe you should try online dating! Have you gone to any networking events? I know someone who met their boyfriend at one. Well, have you ever thought about dating a white guy? It always came that. Like, if I were to expand my standard […]

No One Owes You Anything

I’m funny about birthdays. I want you to know it’s my birthday without actually telling you. Which is why I took my birthday off Facebook four years ago and why I was almost upset that one year, none of my coworkers made a big to-do and took me out for lunch. I “accidentally” let it […]